Monday, 28 September 2009

New C2 Course

The new C2 course is designed to test students' performance of both written and oral production of academic English.

The Written Work

Candidates will be required to read texts (written and audio visual and both related to general topics and to their areas of study) and to show that they can understand the writer's/speaker's intent (by means of simple discourse analysis) as well as being able to discuss the ideas introduced in the text, where appropriate referring to other references as well.

They will be asked to write about 750-800 words on this text (The texts themselves will be approx. 600-800 words or will be from 15-20 mins in the case of audiovisual texts.) Students should be able to express themselves in formal academic English to do this.

The Oral Work

The final oral exam will consist of two parts: a presentation and discussion of a subject which is closely related to the student's specialised field of study.
Students should be able to present their ideas clearly and then discuss them, giving reasons for their opinions and extending their ideas as is appropriate in an appropriate academic register.

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